Did you know that September is National Literacy Month (also Library Card Sign Up month)? And September 17-23 is Family Literacy Week! Check your local area or public library to see what fun events they have planned for that week. Here in Terre Haute the Vigo County Public Library supports a day-long Saturday event of booths and book give-aways on the library lawn. Hundreds of kids get new books on that day.
Today, Sept. 6, is National Read A Book Day! To celebrate, my extremely patient Launch Team members have received a special email with directions for grabbing a copy of Winnie Acts Up ebook to share with a child or read on their own and then write an honest review.
It must be serendipitous that Winnie Acts Up is finally ready to be read and enjoyed in September. Why else would July and August have been so difficult?
If you haven't received a copy and would like to read it, you probably forgot to sign up for the Launch Team. You can still get your own pdf copy by clicking the button at the bottom.
Read Something Remarkable!!!