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How to Dance? and Happy New Year!

There is an amazing Broadway show that is all the buzz these days. I heard some of the actors interviewed the other morning while hunkering down here in Indiana's frigid fields. Seven of them are on the autism spectrum and were unrestrained in their enthusiasm about being chosen to act in this particular play.

Based on a true story, the musical follows a group of young people with autism in Columbus, Ohio, as they spend 12 weeks getting ready for their very first formal dance. It was based on an HBO documentary from 2015 and is said to be a touching telling of the story.

I LOVE musicals and, over the years, have been lucky enough to have seen a number of shows in New York City and Chicago, but mostly in Indianapolis. This story struck me because, having just written a children's book about a young actor anxious about standing on stage in front of unfamiliar faces, I understand the struggle. I, myself, have been onstage twice, in small roles, and even that much was quite challenging.

Looking out from my vantage point, I think it takes a person who is very sure of who they are and doesn't mind showing that, to stand on a stage and act. It takes heart and brain working together to make the audience follow their story, and for those seven young people on stage in New York City, I applaud!!

That's my rant for this icy cold arctic day!! And Happy New Year to all the Winnie Watchers out there. Wear your long undies, gloves, earmuffs, and scarves.

Stay inside and have a TROPICAL Tuesday and an even WARMER Wednesday,



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