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I Know I'm a Reader (and a Re-Reader!)

I often wonder how many people read like I do. Am I one of a few (or one of many) who rereads their favorite books? When I start a new book, I read it quickly to see if it grabs my attention. If it does not, I pass it on. If it does, I immediately read the book again, more carefully, savoring the depth of characters, the serendipity of events, or the beauty of setting. My favorites end up with sticky notes hanging out of the pages marking stirring events or satisfying descriptions. And I usually choose to come back to these books many times.

I wonder how much my brain has been programmed by these re-readings? It’s like watching a favorite movie until you can repeat the dialogue or sing every word of the songs in a musical exactly right.


1. Every winter I read Celia Garth by Gwen Bristow, the book that my father gave me for Christmas, 1959. Celia overcomes several traumatic events that help her become a strong woman.

2. A 2008 family death drew me to the Twilight series about immortal souls. This series also highlights the coming of age of another strong young woman.

3. As our country has struggled over the last decade or two, books about dystopian societies have helped me (and others, especially middle grade readers) consider our own society’s needs and goals. Books from Hunger Games and Divergent series help us thoughtfully compare good and evil.


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