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“My Monday Message”

I have decided that a Monday Message might get me going on a bountiful blog. (An alliterative mouthful!) It would give me a goal, focus my thinking for the week and push me forward. My current focus is planning an April schedule around eye surgery. How is that surgery going to impact my writing?

As a new 2nd career writer, I worry how unexpected medical or family needs will change a perfectly choreographed writing schedule. However, I think back to the first eye surgery in November; it was an emergency and I had NO time to plan anything. AND, it was on my GOOD eye. This time surgery will be on my POORer eye so I will have a good spare eye during this recuperation.

Note I said, “perfectly choreographed,” referring to scheduling. As a planner, I had the year planned out through August, thinking I would have the second eye surgery then. So much for planning. When the eye surgeon says, "NOW," you don't tell him, "ahhh August??"

I WILL continue to plan as I recover. As an OPTIMIST, I know I can do everything that is planned—just in a different order. I know the surgery will go well and I will heal quickly. I may not be able to write at length while I spend five days face down 90% of the time, but I can probably make a few edits, think of new titles, read more picture books, watch recorded summits, and rest my brain in preparation for summer.

William Blake’s words resonate with me: “No bird soars too high if (she) soars with (her) own wings.” I won’t let eye surgery slow me down. I just figured out this second career and I will attack it hard and fast, just like I did my first career.

Have a delightful day!



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