I wonder what I can offer anyone reading this blog. Hmmmm…Grammar comes to mind today.
I’ve been around for a while so I have a long list of experiences related to my life.
As an optimist, I contemplate my experiences in a positive light. However, I am frustrated by the changes in our language grammar. I was raised in an educated household and I remember the grammar I was brought up with and was taught. I have difficulty with the ways young people (and not-so-young people)speak and write today that belies traditional grammar. And I’m frustrated that “the dictionary” tries to keep up with the changes in language (so schools don’t have to teach correct grammar!?) Don’t hate me for that comment because I, too, was a teacher for a lot of years and I graded grammar. I know how difficult it can be to deal with parents who expect teachers to accept whatever their child writes (often mimicking parent grammar).