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Yes! It's Halloween, TEAM! Go, team, go!

I'm not a huge fan of the Halloween holiday, but my mother must have been. She always helped with costumes, often sewing from scratch. I remember one Girl Scout Halloween party where I wore a white Dutch girl apron and pointy cap made by Mom.

Somehow, I believe, serendipity marks my writing path with Octobers. I just reread LAST October's blog and realized how much change can occur in 12 months. RIght now, my first book is at the illustrator's, and 3 more books are "in the works." Some great new friends are journeying along a similar path at the same time, so we are supporting and pushing each other toward our goal. These friends are not next door, either; they are in Florida, Trinidad, Arizona, Germany, South Africa, etc.

That's my BIGGEST TAKE-AWAY from this new life-journey: TEAMWORK is KEY. Without my writing coach and her weekly support (Karen Ferreira), the kind editor I discovered (Marcy Pusey), the experienced authors who share their knowledge online (like Lauren Ranalli), my website manager (Jessica), and my patient husband, I would be somewhere else. The fact that all of us come together online to complete a project is brilliant.


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